With all these roles, comes a lot of stress, responsibilty and a busy busy life. On top of all these many hats I wear, I strive to live a healthy lifestyle, which isn't always easy especially with a future hubby who has a passion for anything fatty!! Health and Happiness are a top priority in my life, I'm dedicated to living a healthy and happy life!

My daily life now consist of; being a college graduate and trying to find a job, spending time in gods word, running, working out, fun adventures with my fiance, loving, laughing, enjoying my life, and embarking on the journey god has for me.
So join me as I make my way through life in Southern California. There is no telling what you will find here: I may ramble about living a healthy lifestyle, running, training for my many races, my hot fiance, planning a wedding, finding a job, baking and everything else that falls in between :) I'm super excited that you are reading my blog and to become more involved in the blogger community!!!
Any questions, just email me! I look forward to emails :)
Leave a comment too if you'd like :)
Hi Val! I'm glad that you commented on my blog so that I could find yours. You are GORGEOUS, girl!!! Can't wait to read more! :)