Monday, January 17, 2011

Arizona RNR Half-Marathon 2011!!

I did it! I ran my 7th Half-Marathon!!!

Let's start from the beginning.....

First thing I do on my half-marathon morning is restroom second thing I do is EAT! Pre-marathon fuel is always important!!!

I fueled up with my normal pre-run meal: Peanut Butter with Banana Toast :)

I then compiled all things necessary for race day!

1) Iphone (in case I need to make that important phone call on mile 10 ;)

2)GU (definitely a good thing to have)

3) Ipod (can't get through a run without Brit Brit ;)

4) Ear phones ( I bought a new pair at the running expo...and LOVE them, they are from snugbuds, and they work amazing! Kind of pricey but worth every penny!)

5) Garmin (definitely needed this to pace myself since I didn't start with my coral and started with my father in laws coral)

6) running pouch ( to keep all my necessities)

Then it was off to the race! My in-laws live about an hour away from Phoenix so fiance and I stayed with them. Which meant waking up a whole lot earlier to make it to the race on time! We woke up at 5:00am (4:00am California time) and we're out the door at 6am!!! Once we got to the race....we went straight to the porta potty line then to our corrals.

I was supposed to be in Corral 3 but decided to start with my father in law who was in Corral 11. I really didn't plan to PR in this race, I just wanted to run and have fun. But, then all changed when I got there, I decided maybe I could reach my goal of a sub 1:40 (My last race: The Disney Half Marathon Sept 2010 was a 1:41 so I knew I could do it!) I knew it would be a lot harder for me because I wouldn't be able to be with the pacer, since I didn't start in my corral.

I then said a prayer "Dear God: please allow me a safe run and please let me listen to my body!" Instead of pacing myself, I decided to run with my father in law for awhile. I knew I wouldn't be able to pace myself because there was so many people I had to move through....way to much people!!

I realized that my body just wanted to enjoy this run and I needed to do what I came there to do and that was not to race but to ENJOY my run! After running with my father in law. I left him about mile 6 and took off on my own! I was able to stretch my legs and hit a comfortable pace of a 7:30mile and figured I wouldn't PR but I was comfortable.....then I hit a wall on Mile 10. I was done, my mind was burned out, I was burned out. I knew I could physically do the run, but mentally I was over it! This has never happened to be before. I prayed to God to give me strength. I started to talk to myself "You're a runner, you're fast, you were born to run, you run because you can, you run because you are strong, you run not to set a PR but run because that is who you are, your life is running so do what you do best....and run your heart out!"

After my pep talk with myself, I overcame my mental block, I looked down at my garmin and I was up to a 6:30 pace. Could I really be running a 6:30. Yup, I was. I was feeling so good! But, One thing the pain in my foot was starting to creep up..."Pain is temporary!!!" that is all I kept telling myself....I ran the last few miles strong, in pain, and as fast as I possible could...I looked down at my garmin: my pace 6:15 and then...

.....I crossed the finish line at 1:45:15

and just like that I was done with my 7th Half-Marathon! 

Mentally it was grueling. The course wasn't my favorite. I may not run it again. But I did it. I was done. I pushed myself once again, to do what I am made to do and that!

What I did learn from this race: I need a break from running, my foot has gotten worse and mentally I need a break. I have ran over 120 miles every month since January 2008 when I started training for my 1st half marathon. It's not a long time, only 2 years, but over 120 miles a month for 36 months and 7 half marathons I'm exhausted!  I won't race again till September my body needs a break especially my foot! I'll start training again in June and until then will continue to do a few small runs but no craziness like the last few years! The Disney Half Marathon is my race, it was my 1st half marathon and I have done it every year since and have PR'd every year! I plan to PR a sub 1:40 this year, so if I am going to do that I need REST! :) 

He never misses a race!

The rest of the day was spent at the in-laws relaxing, eating and taking a nap :) It was a lovely Sunday! 

Since I don't work or go to school ;) and Fiance has Mondays off we decided to come home today/ We left this morning at 6:30 am (5:30am California time) and got home at 11:30pm :) Just in time for some Hot Yoga it was just what I needed after a 6 hour car ride home! 

I am also in the process of switching over to wordpress so please bare with me, though this transition :) 

I saw these today and thought i'd share ;) 

Now we're off to bed! Good Night all :) 


  1. Loved reading this! Congratulations!! :) And yay for Wordpress!

  2. it was inspiring to read how you battled the challenges and pushed through. congratulations on a great race...and for listening to your body!

  3. Congratulations Val!! Love your recap! It's so inspirational and motivating to read about your running! I would love to reach a half mary one day and will definitely keep reading your blog for tips and motivation!

  4. Oh my gosh Val I LOVED reading this! You make me want to run, you make me want to run a marathon. I will do it one day and I need to push myself to train for it. Going back to running has been a battle with me but you give me hope.

    I'm so happy for you that you completed your 7th. Maybe this year I will do my first. I would be awesome do run the Disney one. Do you have any tips on what I need to do to start?

    Oh and please check out my latest post, I think you will LOVE to take your puppy to Pet Scene. I know Pucca loved it. We're going to be going every few months for her baths now :)
