Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hello Friends!

Sorry for no post yesterday. I disconnected from the world Internet yesterday. Fiance and I planned a day to hang out and just enjoy each others company! It was a fantastic day. I love spending time with him.

I started the day off by serving in our children's ministry at church. I absolutely love serving with the 3/4 year olds. They are truly an amazing bunch of kids. We played an amazing game of duck duck goose, I lost :( these kids are pro duck duck goosers! Nothing like a round of duck duck goose and hide go seek to start your Sunday off right ;)

I also hit up a spin class at the gym! I swear I never sweat as much running for 60 minutes as I do spinning for 60 minutes!
About near death after a 60 min spin class

The rest of the day we spent finishing up our Christmas shopping, and just enjoying each others company. We love exploring new things and finding fun stuff to do...we also found a new self-serve yogurt shop in the neighborhood and it is amazing! they have red-velvet flavored yogurt (yum!).

All our loot
Someone special got a Yoga Mat! 

After our eventful day we cuddled up and enjoyed a movie! Perfect Ending to a Perfect Sunday!


This morning, I woke up and all I wanted to do was stay in bed. It is so cold in the morning and we have a huge rain storm that is here till Wednesday.

I debated getting a run in at the gym or running outside in the storm. Since it wasn't raining (just yet) outside, I figured I could get a quick run in and be safe from any downpours.

Well, I was wrong! I hit mile 4 and it started raining, I figured it wasn't much rain and I could make it through my last two miles ( I had no other choice I was 2 miles away from home and fiance wasn't home to pick me up!) so I pushed through and on my last mile, the down pour became heavier and heavier and before I knew it I was running against wind and against the worst downfall of rain ever. I finally made it home completely drenched :(

Fiance came home 5 minutes later and asked how my run went as I stood there soaking wet...really?!? After an extremely cold/wet run...we enjoyed a very warm breakfast of french toast (I also had eggs!)!
We also had dinner guest with us :)

After my dip in the ocean run, and yummy breakfast, it was time for some hot yoga! Since fiance is home today, I dragged him with me again! Nothing like hot yoga on a cold rainy day with the love of your life to start your Monday off right :) I love that fiance is taking participation in the things that make me happy :)

I also found out while at yoga that I won a yogitoes hand towel!  I have never won anything in my life! I was super excited that I won! I was pretty determined to win ;) Your name got entered into a drawing each time you checked-in to the studio with your facebook application, and my name got drawn :) such an exciting time in my life.......don't act like you wouldn't get as excited as I did!

We also got lots of wrapping done! :) Fiance is such a good helper!

We listened to Christmas Music on Pandora
Bruin kept us Company
He was also a good helper ;)
All done with our wrapping! 

Have you ever won anything?!?!


  1. Sadly I have never won anything either. I would have been happy to win that hand towel too!! And sadly I didnt get my workout in today, husband didn't let me out in the rain once I got home from work.

  2. I love spin! Thanks for reading my blog!! And I've never really won anything good...maybe like a round of bingo when I was little.

    PS - I'm so jealous of you being done with wrapping! I had finals then went away so I need to do all my wrapping when I get home on the 22nd. Everything gets so crazy around the holidays!

  3. Sounds like you had an awesome day! AND, it is so awesome that your fiance will shop with you & wrap! My hubby and I can't shop together. I love to browse and take my time while he just likes to get in and get out! ;) HAHAHA! And whenever we do shop together i always feel rushed...oh well!
    I just won my first EVER blog give away a few weeks ago! Felt so good! :) I won 2 free running head bands from GoHeadBand!
