I woke up this morning and it was raining and cold, I really didn't want to leave my warm bed. So, I stayed in bed a little longer and cuddled with puppy. I finally got up and made a warm bowl of oatmeal and enjoyed my morning. I eventually set off for my run. My training plan had me running a 6 mile at a pace of 8:50. These paces are killing me, I'm used to running 6:30/7:30 paces. In all it was a good run, my legs were just feeling really tight, I think I need to foam roll and stretch more. I suck at stretching and really need to do more of it. After my run, I quickly changed and headed to yoga. We stretched a little more than usual but I needed it with how tight my legs and hips we're feeling.
I raced home and showered because I had a day planned with fiance :) Fiance has Monday's off so we try to spend as much time together as we can. We're so busy the other 6 days of the week that we only see each other late at night and sometimes for dinner. So Monday's are our days! We had a full day planned complete with a lunch date and shopping! Yeah, we lead an exciting life ;)
Our first stop was Panera we we're both starving! I LOVE lunch dates with fiance!
I enjoyed a yummy bowl of vegetable soup, while fiance enjoyed half a chipotle sandwich and half a cup of baked potato soup...mmmmm! I stole a few bites ;)
We also bought some yummy treats! I only ate a piece of the m&m cookie. I'm trying to limit my sweet intake and really eat clean. I really wanted to eat the whole cookie :)
Fiance sure does love his bread (and my bread, thief!)
My tummy was happy :)
After our fun/food filled lunch date we headed off to do some shopping. I was in desperate need of new running shoes, mine we're already over 3 months old with a billion miles on them. So we headed off to the running center so I could get shoes :) I literally am like a kid in a candy store when it comes to anything related to running! I was in heaven! After a few
My loot!
We finished our shopping adventure at target, where we had a shopping list of 3 things and came out with 30 things. How does that happen?! does that ever happen to you?!?! After shopping we headed home! Fiance is cleaning our cars now, and I need to put laundry away and get started on dinner :)
My goal this week is to eat clean and catch up on a lot of homework =/ ! Can you guys help me out with my goal? Do you guys have any goals this week?

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