Monday, November 22, 2010

What I've realized.....

Today's goal was to be: Positive!! 

 Lately, I've been in a "fat/unhappy" mood. I've been trying not to show it outwardly towards fiance, family or friends. But, I've just felt blah. I don't know what it is. I just feel "blah". I am usually okay with my body, but that past few weeks have been hard for me. I'm not usually a depressed or sad person, but i've just been super unhappy with my body.  I woke up this morning definitely not feeling "Fit" or "thin" in fact I woke up feeling "fat" and "gross." I know it's just hormones and may have something to do with that time of the month, it just really has me unhappy. I have worked my butt off  to be "fit" and "thin" but I still feel "chunky." 

I wanted today to be different, I didn't want to compare myself to every girl I saw or even worry about how I looked. I wanted to work out for me and eat to fuel my body and to just enjoy food. I did just that :) 

To reach my goal I knew I had to shake this funk I was in and get my body moving. I was feeling fat and definitely didn't want to go to the gym feeling this way but I knew I would feel better. I started off with speed work on the dreadmill and a quick/small weight workout and some hot yoga! Hot yoga, was just what my body needed, I felt as if I sweated everything out of me. Usually running clears my thoughts but yoga was the cure today :) 

With all this postivity feeling my head and body I realized,  I don't need to be a certain weight or look like someone else to be happy rather it's the little things in life that make my heart smile and filled with so much joy and love, not the number on the scale!

Like going to Michaels and spending a million few dollars on scrapbooking stickers so I can decorate my cap for graduation! I can't believe I will be graduating with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing, it's been a very hard but incredible 3 years! I cannot wait to decorate caps with all my girl friends :) 

This AWESOME nike ad!! I have Thunder Thighs and at times, hate them but you know what, They are strong casue i'm a Runner!!

A delicious heart-warming bowl of soup that fiance made me :) And being able to enjoy dinner with him!

A awesome smelling candle fiance lights every night so the room smells good :)

Yummy treats! I was supposed to make Apple Butter tonight but fiance forgot one of the ingredients so we have to wait till tomorrow for that. Somehow he did manage to get two boxes of brownies....hmmm!

And most of all this man! He makes my days so much better! He makes me feel beautiful, smart, strong, amazing, and loved! He brings so much love and happiness into my life :) 

Now to bed :) 

night! xoxo

Day 3 of Challenge:

6 mile run: 6 points
30 minutes of weights: 1.5 
Yoga: 3 points (60 minutes) 

Questions: What makes your heart happy?!?! 


  1. What makes my heart happy? Family, friends and the husband. :)
    I check you blog every day Val! Though this weekend I didn't have much time to do so.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Debs!!!

    I am just so in love that you follow my blog!!!!!! :) it makes me so happy to know someone is reading my shenanigans ;) xoxo

  3. Oh my god girl...reading this post just makes we want to cry, I can soooo relate. Looks like you have such an amazing man by your side!! So happy for you. Being a bikini competitor and working the fitness/beauty field for so long I know exactly what you're going through. Don't be fooled by the competitors perfect one can maintain body fat levels that low for a very long time and it does take a toll mentally. Its not even healthy at the end of the day. Many are much bigger in person than what you see on stage. I'm striving for fit, healthy, strength, with lean muscle. Another reason why I started Crossfit as well...

    xoxxo, angelica
