Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy December!!!!!!

Hoooray for a new month! :) 

I absolutely love new months and starting fresh! I feel like I can start fresh and new :) Plus I absolutely love December! I just love Christmas and everything about it, I seriously think I bleed candy cane! Fiance says I was an elf in my past life! Everything about the month of December makes me happy, I just love the Christmas music, the decorations, the feeling of Christmas, I just love everything about this month! Plus this month is filled with lots of fun stuff :) 

-Christmas (duh!) ;)
-Graduation Parties
-Pinning (A ceremony for nurses)
-Disneyland (AHHHH Just love Disneyland this time of the year)
-Looking at Christmas Lights (There is a place Fiance and I have gone since we started dating, I absolutely love it)
-Christmas Parties
-Christmas (did I say this already)
-Being done with school (FOREVER, well till I go back for my Masters)
-Mountain Trips
-Christmas (can you tell I love Christmas)!

I'm really looking forward to the month and all it has to offer :) Oh and who can forget my 30 day yoga challenge, which starts today :) I have a hot yoga class today. Super excited for this challenge :) 

So I started this morning with a lovely 6 mile run! This run went amazing, okay not amazing, I was still in pain, but it went good. For those of you who have been following my blog (all 3 of you, including fiance and my mom!) you all know how much pain the plantar fasciitis has caused me, and how much it's cut down my running. Well I am happy to say I ran 6 miles with an 8:30 pace. The past few weeks I haven't been able to go below a 9:00 pace because of the intense pain in my foot, but today I did it. I was still in a little bit of pain, but I still did it, I was happy :) I miss running fast, but I know I need to take it slow. 

Realized my pace was @ 7:30 and needed to slow down! 

Love the views on my run!

After my run, breakfast was definitely needed! I decided waffles and apples were just what I needed. 

-1 tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
-1 Apple
-Cinnamon and Brown Sugar
-Maple Syrup

-Cut apple into pieces, place in microwave safe dish. Top with cinnamon and brown sugar. Nuke on high for 30 seconds. Place on waffles. 

-I usually spread the peanut butter on the waffles as soon as they come out of the toaster so it melts into every square ;) 

Then it was off to school to take a test! 

Seeeeee, I told you I wear sweats and no make up!! This is my everyday attire. Sometimes, i'll dress it up by adding a baseball cap. Fiance doesn't really like these outfits, but I do. I mean who doesn't like the "I didn't shower look" I love it! :)

Now, I'm off to hot yoga


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