Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hello Friends! Sorry I've been lagging in the blogging department :( I feel really bad that I haven't been posting twice (even once) a day. I am truly sorry. This week has just been crazy busy! It's graduation week, so a lot of things are going on that are keeping me busy! I promise to try and blog at least once a day. I don't want to lose my readers ;) 

Yesterday (Tuesday)
I started my morning off with a 6 mile run and my daily dose of yoga! I tell you every time, but I really am loving this challenge! 

I sadly had a final so I wasn't going to be able to make it to my studio for a class, so I had to do yoga at home. I did Power Vinyasa Flow #4 with Dawnelle that I downloaded from my computer. I don't really like doing yoga at home, I felt like I didn't get the same benefit I would have if I was at my studio. It's okay at least I did it :)

My make Shift Studio :)

It was also my last official day of school. I cannot believe that I am actually done with nursing and undergraduate school. It's been a long time coming. I started college off as a teaching major and after 3 years of teaching, I decided to switch my major senior year. My senior year I buckled down and took all my pre-reqs for nursing and was accepted into the program my first time applying! 3 years later, I am graduating with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing and I am a Registered Nurse! It's been a crazy, hard, long, stressful, emotional, and amazing 3 years. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have met some of my best friends in this program, we literally are a family. You're with these people for 3 years straight, for over 8 hours a day, you're truly with them more than your own family. I will cherish every friendship and memory I have made these past 3's been amazing. No crying yet....I still have graduation and pinning and I need to pass boards!

After our final a few of us decided to hang out for awhile and just relax and celebrate.

Seriously, what's with my face
 The girls 
 Love them!!!!!
 House and Wilson :)

After our celebration, we headed over to Christina's place to decorate our caps! Love being able to do this with the girls. I had so much fun and every ones cap turned out adorable! Love these girls!

I started my official morning of no school with a 5 mile run and some hot yoga this afternoon! It's been a very unproductive and relaxing day! I don't have much to report, I have just been busy trying to get stuff done for this weekend! Graduation is officially in 3 days!  My food blogging as taken a hit too :( I am sorry. Lately all my eats are the same oatmeal, sandwiches, salad, chicken, I've just been super busy to take pictures and post. I'm sorry I will be back to my regular blogging soon! 

I promise I will catch up on my blogging and not be such a bad blogger as soon as all graduation festivities are over! 

Tonight I plan to enjoy the evening with fiance, I've been missing him!


  1. Awww congratulations!! I'm sure you feel so proud and accomplished!! I love your caps! That was fun for me too. When I got my teaching credential, my friends and I put "Teachers have class." hehe

  2. Congratulations Val!!! So happy for you!!! You're going to finish school and I'm going back this winter quarter!!

    I love what you did with your cap!! VERY cute!!!

  3. Congratulations! Love the caps :)

  4. Perfect way to start the first day of no school...running:) I am so so happy for you, congratulations and it has been a long road...enjoy every second of this week. I have to admit I missed the regular posting, but I will forgive you:) Love the caps!!!

  5. Congrats! What an accomplishment. Enjoy your pinning and graduation!
